



School Guidelines and Policies

GSEB Lancers School Guidelines & Policies

• Lancers Army School places a strong emphasis on discipline and expects all students to adhere to the code of conduct and rules set forth by the school.
• Students are required to maintain punctuality, neatness in appearance, and respectful behavior towards peers, teachers, and staff members.
• Any violation of disciplinary rules may result in appropriate disciplinary action, which can include counselling, warnings, suspension, or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense.

Academic Excellence:
• Lancers Army School is committed to providing a high-quality education that promotes academic excellence.
• Students are encouraged to participate actively in class, complete assignments on time, and strive for academic success.
Uniform and Dress Code:
• Lancers Army School has a specific uniform and dress code policy that must be strictly adhered to by all students.
• Students are required to wear the designated school uniform on all school days.
• The uniform should be neat, clean, and worn in the prescribed manner.
• Personal grooming and hygiene should be maintained at all times.

Co-curricular Activities:
• Lancers Army School recognizes the importance of co-curricular activities in the overall development of students.
• Students are encouraged to participate in various sports, cultural events, and extracurricular activities offered by the school.
• Participation in these activities help to develop teamwork, leadership skills, and a well-rounded personality.

Health and Safety:
• The health and safety of students are of utmost importance at Lancers Army School.
• The school provides a safe and secure environment, adhering to all necessary safety protocols and guidelines.
• Students are expected to follow safety rules, report any hazards or concerns, and take necessary precautions to maintain their own well-being and that of others.

Communication and Collaboration:
• Effective communication and collaboration among students, teachers, parents, and the school administration are vital for the overall growth of students.
• The school encourages open and transparent communication channels, including regular parent-teacher meetings and progress reports.
• Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s education and maintain regular communication with the school.

Technology Usage:
• Lancers Army School recognizes the importance of technology in education and provides students with access to appropriate technology resources.
• Students are expected to use technology responsibly, following the guidelines and policies set by the school.
• Any misuse or inappropriate use of technology can result in disciplinary action.

Examination and Assessment:
• Lancers Army School follows a fair and transparent examination and assessment system.
• Students are expected to prepare diligently for examinations, complete assignments honestly, and maintain academic integrity.
• The school provides regular feedback on students’ academic progress and encourages students to strive for continuous improvement.

The guidelines and policies mentioned above are a general overview and may be subject to specific modifications and additions as per the requirements of Lancers Army School.