



How GSEB Supports Students with Special Needs and Learning Issues

GSEB education

GSEB schools in Surat are committed to supporting students with special needs and learning issues through a range of tailored interventions and resources. Education in Gujarat is with the contribution of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) which equally facilitates specialized programs and accommodation for the students. This encompasses, differentiation for learning, special education teachers, and accommodation for individual differences including students with learning disabilities, through features such as; IEP.

What are the Education Policies of the GSEB for Special Needed Student?

The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB) has instituted a framework of policies for INCLUSIVE education of students. These policies support the quality education for all the students and equal treatment of all students regardless of their gender. As for special education, GSEB has required the school to have individualized education plan (IEPs) for every learning disabled child, the plan stipulates the adaptations of curriculum, teaching-learning approach and classroom management for each student’s disability. Special education teachers and counselors are expected in schools as these institutions must hire personnel that will work with children with such learning disabilities.

Another striking characteristic of policies in GSEB is training and professional development of teachers as the key policy aimed at the enhancing of educators’ competencies to include students with disabilities. The board also brings the necessity to conduct some regularly occurring checks on the educational performance of these students to make sure that the support offered is still beneficial and relevant for the child. Through the implementation of these policies, GSEB wants to ensure that all the learners, including learners with learning disabilities can achieve in the education system.

How are Special Needs Students Identified in GSEB Schools?

In GSEB schools in Gujarat, including Lancers, special needs students are identified through a comprehensive process that involves multiple steps. At first, the teachers and school staff watch and wait for signs of students’ learning disabilities or developmental delays. In addition to this observational data, the Child’s performance in scholastic skill as well as academic achievement is determined from Child’s state assessment and other tests that are intended to show any learning disability. The parents and guardians are also recruited to participate in this process by offering useful information regarding the child’s developmental history, and observed difficulties at home.

Thus, when a prima facie case of a need to inclusion of a child to receive a special education service is reinforced, GSEB schools in Gujarat, including Lancers, conduct an assessment by a team of experts. This team usually comprises of educational psychologists, special educators, and speech and language therapists who evaluate the child’s performances through tests and diagnostic tests. Consequently, depending on these assessments, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is drafted to meet the student’s needs and provide him/her with necessary help that is needed to achieve academic success.

What Role do Parents Play in the Support System for Special Needs Students?

In the GSEB education system, parents play a crucial role in supporting students with special needs. Teachers should be the first to notice developmental or learning disorders and help during the diagnosis and referral stage. Parents keep interacting with educators or specialists in order to provide records of their child’s behaviors or advancement, this is crucial in creating an IEP. Their involvement also ensures that the strategies as well as the amendments provided in the IEP are done for the needs of the child both in school and at home.

However, the parents being direct stakeholders in their child education, continue to play a vital role in provision of supportive endeavors. They maintain contact with schools that are affiliated to GSEB for knowing about the progress of their child, meet with the other members to review the progress of the child as per the IEP set and also provide information regarding the efficiency of the interventions that are offered. Their involvement assists in maintaining continuity and the development of necessary structures, which comprise student’s daily environment, thus providing him or her with a complete and integral educational service. 

What are Various Specific Programs Offered for Students with Disabilities?

The best GSEB schools offer a range of specific programs designed to support students with disabilities and special needs. Such programs include the educational interventions mainly provided to students with special education needs including developing individualised education plan commonly known as IEP. Specialized programs incorporate changes in curriculum, learning-teaching approaches, and even the incorporation of technology to maximize learning by persons with disabilities. For instance, learners with visual or/and auditory impairment needs may afford the use of screen readers/ sign language, while learners with learning difficulties might require extra coaching and specially developed teaching aids.

Besides these differentiated methods, the GSEB schools offer decision for func tional incorporation in separate classrooms and services such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and consulting. The majority of the outstanding GSEB schools also have colored classrooms where disabled students are placed with their peers with the help of necessary facilities. Such school may have training sessions for teachers so that they may be able to address students with special needs in the classroom as well as other learners. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.How do GSEB schools ensure inclusivity for students with disabilities?

A. Students with disability are also facilitated in GSEB schools through the implementation of IEPS, providing of resource and support for the disabled, staff development, and classroom accommodation of students with disabilities.

Q2.How are students with special needs identified in GSEB schools?

A. Students with special needs in GSEB schools are either identified on their behavior in class, low academic achievement, and suggestion from their parents, a written report is thereafter forwarded to specialists to decide on support and assistance to offer to the child.

Q3.What specialized programs are offered for students with disabilities in GSEB schools?

A. Some of these services available at GSEB inclusive schools are Special Education Services; the students are provided with IEP, Modified Curriculum, and Use of Special Technology; and Therapy such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Counseling among others.

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